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Why don’t people talk about periods? Why am I bleeding in between periods? What is a normal period anyway?
We have answers to all your period questions, featuring guest experts, your stories, product innovation, health and wellbeing tips, and much more. Updated regularly, you can get new posts straight into your inbox when you sign up for emails.
Why Do We Feel Embarrassed About Our Periods? How To Handle Period Shame
5 Myths About The Vagina We Need To Stop Believing
5 Yoga Poses To Help Ease Period Cramps
Why Is My Tampon Leaking?
Gender bias and the importance of equity in healthcare
Up to 36 days a year lost due to menstrual health symptoms
Problematic Menstruation: the long path to diagnosis
Better menstrual products & more choice for better periods.
Dr Jacqueline Maybin: Understanding a typical period.